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Headlines in the Vancouver Sun Newspaper Novemember 22 read The NUMBER OF CANCER PATIENTS is increasing at an alarming rate, despite Billions of Dollars donated to the Cancer Society for Research here in British Columbia, Canada for over 70 years. We are getting very close to having every second person being inflicted with this horrible disease. With that kind of record are you going to trust the cancer society to help prevent you from getting this horrible disease??

Cancer and Birth Defects

An article in The Boston Globe on September 6, 1997, cited Senator Edward M. Kennedy's statement that the General Accounting Office has identified more than 125 cosmetic ingredients suspected of causing cancer - along with others that may cause birth defects.

"I'm a changed man"

"I have eliminated Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Aluminum, Alcohol, and other harmful ingredients from my personal care products.

"I also use Radience Toothpaste, Eliminator Mouthwash, Ultimate Shampoo, Exuberance Conditioner, 2nd Chance Scalp Conditioner, Retention Plus Wrinkle Smoother, Subdue Deoderant and Refresh Bath and Shower Gel. Today I’m a changed man."

Alan B.

"Eye Condition"

Joan M.


About 7 years ago, had a fungus on his feet that first started when I was in the Navy in 1957-1959. The doctors in the Navy called it “jungle rot”. I

"We believe that the fungus was the result of an allergy to an ingredient in the soap, or some other product I was using.

Janice R.

"Skin and Eyes"

"For years I thought I had problem skin, even while using more expensive products, or so called therapeutic ones. I had breaking out, redness, sometimes like scalding, also swelling of eyes, soreness behind, and in and around my ears.

"Now that I am using a product or products that have no Propylene Glycol or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and other know carcinogens in the formulas, I have total improvement and relief."

Bobbie L.



"It is interesting to note, we no longer have a bathtub ring since the Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is out of the bathroom. SLS seems to take off the top layer of skin and natural oils, and then leave it on the tub.

"Even with Colorado’s dry climate, I rarely have to use body lotion since my body is retaining its natural oils without suffocating my system with Propylene Glycol and irritating it with SLS. Needless to say, without these annoying daily symptoms, life is much easier than before."

Susan C.

Is your
Bathroom Safe?

This letter will shock you. It reveals the dangerous ingredients contained in products you use every day.

Dear Friend,

There’s a cover-up going on you should know about.

Right now as you read this letter you have products in your bathroom that could cause cancer. And this is true in homes all across America, and the world.

I’m talking about everyday nationally advertised products you buy at your supermarket.


What is the Government doing about this?



Despite the fact the Department of Health and Human Services has issued warnings, they’ve already reported that alcohol in mouthwashes has been linked to both oral and throat cancer.

And this is only
ONE example among many.

Here's More...

Dangerous Propylene Glycol used in anti-freeze is also in deodorants, cosmetics, lotions, baby wipes and more. This is the colorless, viscous, hydroscopic liquid used in hydraulic fluids. Yet it’s in the products your family uses daily.

Dangerous Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and DEA, capable of changing the genetic material in cells, causing eye damage and a potential cancer causing agent is in shampoo, toothpaste, bath gel, bubble bath, and more.

Dangerous toxins are in shampoos. Beware! 1 FDA study reports shampooing once with a SLS based shampoo could put as many nitrates into your body as if you ate a POUND of bacon. There have even been cases of hair falling out!

Aluminum in deodorant linked to Alzheimer’s!

Alcohol in mouthwash linked to oral and throat cancer!

Fluoride linked to cancer!

Talc in powder linked to ovarian cancer!

I could easily spend a full day giving you example after example of products you use that contain dangerous ingredients - ingredients we should all be warned about and avoid.


Why isn't the Government
doing something about this?



Look at tobacco. Look at liquor. Here are two well-known cancer-causing products – yet the Government looks the other way.

It’s a disgrace –- and alarming.

Just check out product labels in your home.

If you don't believe me, go check your products right now. Do you see any of these ingredients? You’ll find warnings on Toothpaste and Mouthwash, such as: DO NOT SWALLOW. If INGESTED, CONTACT THE POISON CONTROL CENTER IMMEDIATELY. How difficult is it for a child to swallow toothpaste?

It’s enough to make you cringe –- especially when you realize that 1 out of every 3 Americans gets cancer.


View Mail Help

Date: Mon, 6 Aug 2001 23:08:58 -0700
From: "Don Mears" Add To Address Book
To: "ffa2"


As you can imagine, the market for this exclusive product is HUGE and it
gets bigger every year as the entire population gets older. There are 63
MILLION people over the age of 60 and an additional 76 million Baby Boomers
who need to hear about this!

I hthought you, a friend or a loved one might really appreciate this information.
Nearly 50% of all of the people we know will ultimately die of clogged arteries
and heart disease. There are 63 million people over the age of 50 and 76
million Baby Boomers who need to hear about this!

We are very proud of this exclusive, 15 year old product--- it is now available
in 10 countries... Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you
might know who might like to learn about this.

Typically, your arteries will be 70% blocked before you show any symptoms
(Dr. Alex Duarte)

But...You just may be able to turn the "Bad News" into "Good News!"

Heart disease kills more Americans every year than cancer, AIDS or accidents.
(The American College of Cardiology)
"Nearly 50% of all living Americans
will ultimately die of heart attack, stroke or some other form of cardiovascular
disease." (Walter Cronkite)
58 million people suffer from high blood
pressure. (NY Times)
14 million Americans are diabetic, many suffer severe
circulatory problems. (The Oregonian)
Over 56 million people suffer
cholesterol blockage in leg and heart arteries.

According to German Doctor Otto Warburg, 2 time Nobel prize winner for cancer research,that an acid body could be the cause of cancer because acid takes the oxygen out of your blood. He told the Cancer society about this back in 1932. If your body has an alkaline pH reading of 7 or higher the oxygen will return to your blood and cancer cells will die. An acid body with a pH reading of 6.4 and below may permit tumors to biochemically become malignant. With a pH reading of 7.5 cancer may become inactive and at a pH of 8.5 tumors may disintergrate. You can purchase hydron paper from some Drug and Health food stores or you can order it from Micro Essential Laboratory Inc. 4224 Ave.H Brooklyn,NY 11210. PH # is 718-338-3618.
When you test your self, simply tear off a small strip of the hydron paper and place it on your tongue first thing in the morning make sure you swallow your saliva 3 times before placing the paper on your tongue.If you want to ensure you have a long healthy and happy life this is a must.

Now if you find you are acidic and I guarantee 80% of you, that do this test will be acidic, we have some super products at For<>Mor International that will help make you alkaline. The first and most important one is

This amazing nutrient can make you alkaline, because what most of our bodies are lacking in is Bio-Chemical sodium (not Sodium Chloride, table salt) slow aging, minimize heart disease, aid recovery from dozens of infections and degenerative ailments and inoculate us against countless health problems that stem from emotional stress and environmental pollutants.
Super C Vitamin C Crystals are made from Sodium ascorbate rather than from Ascorbic acid as most vitamin C's are .
Super C has been proven to help with the following conditions
The healing of wounds,ranging from little nicks to large cuts.
Ridding the body of accumulations of heavy metals ( such as lead, cadium, and nickel) and pollutants found in the air food and water.
Super-C is nature's "drug fighter." It can help people withdraw from various drugs ranging from prescribed mood changers to addictive substances such as heroin. Super-C can also help reverse bad side effects from drugs that are necessary to some individual's existence.
Super-C reduces insulin requirements.
The antihistamine action of Super-C can enable to tolerate foods that they other wise could not eat.
Because of its direct effect on Collagen, super-C has shown a remakable capacity to knit bone and to wage battle against such diseases as bone disorders as ankylosing spondylitis and osteogensis imperfecta.
Super-C helps to ease mental stress.
Super-C can enhance your sexual performance by abetting the healthy functioning of the endocrine glands.
Super-C neutralizes some carcinogens. Cured meats and many other food products are preserved with some potentailly dangerous additives. Super-C blocks the reaction between nitrates and proteins, so that the cancer implicated nitrosamines are not formed.
By inhibiting tartar formation, Super-C prevents periodontal damage, that is, gum, socket, and jawbone problems.
Suffers from so-called iron-poor blood, can enjoy renewed energy when they fortify with Super-C along with their iron supplement
For Mor information visit click onto the pdf file
The next great product that For<>Mor has that will help make you alkaline is Aloe Pure, make sure if you are using a Aloe Vera juice that it is certified by the International Aloe Science Council. Aloe Vera Juice, some of you might say it does not taste very good.I am not having any problem taking this one from For<>Mor. I had tried Aloe vera Juice from another company, that one I could not choke down,Those of you that still have a problem with it, For<>Mor has another one called Aloe Berry which tastes the same as drinking a cherry fruit drink you can not taste the aloe in it at all.It will just take more to get the same benefit as the Aloe Pure. It also has the Bio-Chemical Sodium in it neccesary to help your body get alkaline.
More info at
The other product that will help you is Sea Cal
which is an Exceptional Calcium Formulation with mineralized Seaweed.
Understanding Calcium and how the body uses it is simple, yet important. Calcium is essential for cell function, muscle contraction,transmission of nerve impulses and blood clotting. Calcium is regularly transported via the blood stream to parts of the body that require it.The bones serve as a storage site for calcium and continually supply calcium to the blood stream as needed for the body. at the same time our bodies are suppose to be absorbing and replacing calcium through our diet. Often we don't get enough unless we have lots of Bio-Chemical Sodium in our stomach. as we get older we need more Bio-Chemical Sodium in our stomaches in order to keep alkaline.
The KEY ingredients in calcium for successful absorption are you need at least 5000 i.u.'s of Vit. D. If you are in a sunny climate you can easily get that from the Sun if you spend at least one hour out in the Sun.
You must have Magnesium,this is critical as studies show that 60% of North Americans are Magnesium deficient. More than 300 enzymatic reactions depend on the presence of Magnesium.
The other 2 important nutrients are Phosphorous and boron.
Osteoporosis occurs gradually and is the result of of our bodies not absorbing enough calcium to replenish our bones supply.Osteoporosis is the result of an extended calcium-deficient diet, often starting in a person's twenties.Unfortunately an xray can not determine bone loss till it reaches 30-40%.
Calcium Source is important.
Different source of calcium yield different absorption and some are more soluble in the digestive tract than others. SeaCal uses a unique mineralized Seaweed, which is rich in other naturally occuring minerals and beneficial trace elements, unlike many inorganic calcium supplements.
Learn to read labels correctly.
For<>Mor's label illustrates how much elemental calcium is available from the calcium source. If a label shows the ingredient, and then its source in parentesis, like Calcium(as calcium nitrate) 100mg.You are reading the actual weight of the ingredient available.Labels may also display an ingredient for any number of reasons as follows. Calcium Citrate 100mg
The difference: Calcium citrate yields 21% elemental calcium by weight, so 100 mg of calcium citrate would supply 21mg. of elemental calcium. to get 100 mg. of elemental calcium from calcium citrate requires 476 mg. of calcium citrate.

According to Doctor Glenn Halvorson, Greenwood Health Systems are committed to helping their members discover a real chance to make a difference helping save lives with result oriented products rich in ingredients proven to safely help prevent the two major killers of this century, heart disease and cancer.

According to Dr. Stephen Sinatra M.D., F.A.C.C. Physicians nation wide seek out Dr. Sinatra when they want to get Healthy and stay healthy. Dr. Sinatra is the founder of America's number 1 clinic for antiaging madicine.
He is board certified in internal medicine and cardiology.
He is certified in nutrition and antiaging medicine.
Certified bioenergetic analyst.
Former Chief of Cardiology Manchester Memorial Hospital.
Residency: St.Francis Center and Yale New Haven hospital.
Author of several best selling books including Optimum Health, Coenzme Q10 and the Heart, Also Heart Sense for Women.
Three-time recipient of the American Medical assoctiation's physician Recognition Award.
Dr. Sinatra claims that doctors keep their best cure secret.
He goes on to say many Doctors HATE taking prescription drugs. Because they see the effects every day: pain relievers burning holes in patients stomachs. Blood pressure and depression drugs making men impotent and stealing womens libido. Weight loss drugs destroying the liver and kidneys.
Already, almost half of all doctors take supplements and that percentage is growing quickly.
So it seems kind of selfish that Doctors prescribe drugs that have side effects, while they use natural supplements themselves.Many Doctors feel they HAVE to say one thing and do another because
Most natural remedies are not considered "STANDARD-OF-CARE"yet.
The HMO's pressure Doctors to use a narrow list of drugs in their practice.
Most Health insurance companies will not pay for tests that show which vitamins and minerals your body needs.>br>Doctors are are supremely afraid of ridicule from other Doctors. When you spend half of your life building a practice,it is too risky to even talk about "alternative " medicine, especially if you've come up with an unusual breakthrough cure.
Yet Dr. Sinatra says we are having incredible success using the best alternative medicine on their own bodies, and to enhance their families' Health.

According to Dr. Halvorson, Health care in North America has ignored the basics of nature. Technology cannot prevent degenerative disease, nor does it restore health or rejuvenate the human body. One approach that is based on sound science and common sense is nutrition. Feed the body and heal the body. Ellagic acid found in Century Plus is one of many natural and healthy alternatives that are making a difference in the lives of thousands of health conscious consumers who are committed to optimal vitality and longevity." Glen A Halvorson M.D.
NOTE: Glen A Halvorson M.D. has recorded a stunning, provocative tape "Avoid the Habit of Dying" detailing what is REALLY happening with Cancer and Cardiovascular disease.

In the year 1800, one in two hundred people developed cancer in their lifetime.

By the year 1900, it had risen to one in thirty people developing cancer in their lifetime.

By the year 2000, it had risen to one in three people developing cancer in their lifetime.

Some experts predict that in just another 30 years the figure will become one in one!


The Story of Human Growth
Hormone and how it may Make You Look and
Feel Young Again!

Human Growth Hormone, or HGH, has emerged at the forefront of anti-aging therapy. The hormone’s ascension has been supported by an impressive collection of basic science and clinical findings. The hormone’s ability to promote cell regeneration, stimulate tissue repair and to support and improve the immune system is critical since virtually all of the complications of aging stem from the body’s inability to repair and replace cells as it loses them.

HGH is a 191 amino acid long chain protein that is synthesized and secreted by the pituitary gland (located at the base of the brain). The hormone is quickly metabolized by the liver into insulin-like growth factors called IGF-1 and IGF-2. These are key components to anti-aging. IGF-1 works directly with HGH to promote growth and regulate metabolism and IGF-2 maintains the health of nerve tissue and works with hGH to stimulate bone marrow and bone growth.

HGH effects every cell in our bodies. With it we maintain youth, vitality, strength, slimness, sexual performance, accelerated wound healing, youthful skin and on and on and on. The pituitary gland, which never stops producing HGH, can only release its HGH on signal from the hypothalamus gland (which is also located in the brain and functions to regulate bodily temperature, certain metabolic processes, and other autonomic activities.)
In our mid twenties, the signal from the hypothalamus gland begins to weaken and the pituitary release less hGH. As the hypothalamus signal continues to weaken, the pituitary releases less and less of its HGH. With the loss of HGH, a slow deterioration of the body begins. That is the onset of aging.

By age 40 we have lost 50% of our HGH and by age 60 our loss is as high as 85% even though the pituitary still holds the same amount of HGH as in our youth. The greater the loss of HGH, the more prone we are to acquiring disabling and debilitating diseases, hair loss, wrinkling and shriveling of the skin, and weakening and shrinking of our skeletal frame due to bone loss. We also suffer muscle loss, even if we continue to exercise, and many other age related deteriorating factors.

Must we accept our aging as a natural condition of life? The answer is NO. Is it possible to slow, stop, and/or reverse the devastation to our bodies caused by aging? The answer is a resounding YES! There are over 6,000 physicians and scientists registered with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine that call aging a disease. Aging, these physicians and scientists say, is in reality caused by disorders of the body’s metabolic process, and by repairing the physiology of the old cell, it is rejuvenated and results in reversal of aging. That is where HGH therapy comes in.

Up until recently there were three ways to increase the levels of HGH in your body and the corresponding levels of IGF-1 and IGF-2 which are your internal fountains of youth. With the discovery of HTA-5 (pat. pend.) there are now four ways, with the fourth being the most effective and natural way to increase our body’s levels of critical age reversing factors IGF-1 and IGF-2.

The first experiments with hGH began over 30 years ago with the Injection of hGH that was extracted from the pituitary glands of cadavers. These experiments were directed at the elimination of dwarfism in humans. Soon after, a synthesized version of HGH was made by drug companies in the U.S. and Europe and the HGH product became readily available. HGH from cadavers was outlawed and stopped. Continued experimentation soon revealed the positive anti-aging effects of HGH injections. Patients paid upward of per month for HGH injections to receive its incredible benefits.

Sometime around the year 1995 an incredible breakthrough was make using a new polymer technology.

A second method was then developed for getting HGH into the blood stream. By mixing special polymers with HGH and spraying it into the mouth, it was now possible, with the new polymers as the carrier, for the mucosa (such as the inside of your mouth) to absorb the very large HGH molecule. With this invention, a whole new anti-aging industry was born, even though spray form of HGH was not nearly as effective as HGH injections. The price for oral spray HGH now affordable for the average person and a measure of anti-aging was achieved by those using these products.

Continued research in the field of anti-aging medicine resulted in the discovery and development of a third means of getting HGH into the blood stream. These products are called pre-cursors or secreatogogues (pronounced "se-creet-a-gogs").

They are designed to stimulate the pituitary gland to release the HGH it produces. These products were formulated with HGH to develop more effective oral spray products, or sold without HGH in pill form. Combined with HGH, these products enhanced the effectiveness of HGH but still not as effective as HGH injections. Pre-cursors used by themselves to stimulate the pituitary were also not as effective as HGH injections.

The fourth and the most effective method was the development of a new polypeptide technology known as HTA-5 (pat.pend.). Unlike the protein technology, HTA-5 did not go directly to the liver as is the case with HGH, nor to the pituitary as is the case with pre-cursors and secreatogogues.

What HTA-5 really does is it goes directly to the hypothalamus gland, which is the body’s own natural route to delivering HGH in the blood stream!

Scientific tests run with HTA-5 alone and in combination with several pre-cursor amino acids, resulted in higher levels of IGF-1 than large amounts of injected HGH.

hGH injections by-pass the pituitary gland and go directly to the liver where it is metabolized into IGF-1 and IGF-2. Since injections by-pass the pituitary, the pituitary becomes lazy from lack of use. This results in risk that the pituitary will stop functioning altogether.

hGH oral spray products that contain HGH alone or hGH with pre-cursors, regrettably fall short in raising IGF-1 levels to the levels of our youth.. hGH injections are far more effective in accomplishing this.

Pre-cursors and secreatogogues stimulate the pituitary, keeping it functioning but do not cause sufficient release of hGH to be as effective as HGH injections. FOR<>MOR has HGH BOOST TO HELP YOU OUT!!!

For Mor info visit