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For<>Mor Marketing Plan

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There are three things in life most people desire: Health, Financial Stability and Time. We offer a substantial income opportunity on a winning team with quality products and time to enjoy life...right from the comfort of your own home

The Triple Crown&TRADE Compensation Plan is one of the most lucrative in network marketing. It provides compensation for both the both the beginner or the full time professional. It also allows you the opportunity to participate in the American free enterprise system. Read on to find out how it works and what you have to do to get in profit "quickly".


We use these in network marketing. Please familiarize yourself with them.

Active Member - Any member who has purchased at least one bottle of product in a calendar month.
In order to receive a bonus check of 10% for your first level Distributors and 25% on your second level Distributors you must purchase two(2) bottles of nutritonal Supplements BV value of 38 and be on autoship Q Club.
Active Executive - Any member who has purchased at least six (6) bottles of product in a calendar month.

Bonus - The amount of compensation to the member for volume in a month.

Compression - The process of eliminating of inactive members from the down line and rolling the active members up to the next active member of a leg.

Ruby Executive - Any 'active executive' that has 3 personally sponsored 'active executives' on their first level. [Qualifies for a 3% Infinity Bonus]

Emerald Executive - Any 'active executive' that has 6 personally sponsored 'active executives' on their first level. [Qualifies for 6% Infinity Bonus]

Diamond Executive - Any 'active executive' that has 12 personally sponsored 'active executives' on their first level. [Qualifies for 10% Infinity Bonus]

Infinity Bonus - Compensation structure for 'active' Ruby or Higher Executives. It is an unblockable bonus on the third level and a shared bonus on the forth level and below.

Inactive - Any member who does not purchase any products during a month.

Level - the position of the member in relation to the sponsor.

Down line - All members brought in as a result of another member.

Leg - A line of members that begins directly under a member.

Retail Sales - The sale of products purchased at wholesale by a member and sold to customers at the retail price.

Upline - Sponsorship line between a member and all sponsorships above that member.

Leadership Bonus - Compensation for eligible 'active' Diamond Executives. It pays 3% from the third level of the first Diamond in a leg. Pays through 4 generations of Diamond Executives.

Generation - All the levels between a Diamond Executive and the next Diamond Executive in the same leg.


Nutritional Breakthroughs with For<>Mor International

To order our products, receive a free video tape or to speak
with an independent distributor, please return to this page and send an e-mail request
Bernie Fredrickson at B&P Marketing Co
Ph. 1-888-253-0850
Sender Name:
Sender EMail:


Welcome to the Independent Distributors' site for For<>Mor International. We at For<>Mor are proud of our U.S. expansion, however, we ship our nutritional and skin care products to other countries, approved by our company.
* We can ship our quality Nutritional Supplements and Skin Care products to approved countries but for "PERSONAL USE ONLY". No Retail Sales are allowed.
* We are now open in Philippines, Australia, and New Zealand. To get more information about the business policies in these three, and other, countries simply get in touch with Bernie Fredrickson.

Our Support System
Our Address:
Pat Fredrickson B&P Marketing Co
3009 Willband St. Abbotsford, BC
V2S 6V2
website is
ph 1-888-253-0850 toll free or fax 604-859-1824

The Business Opportunity
in America!
The following shows the residual (only) bonus dollars that are
generated with 20 people in each program.
(4 distributors on the first level, 16 on the second level, all paid on purchase of product each month)
Sterling Health........
Beverly Hills.............20
Streamline..............100 Usana.....................
Cell Tech..................148
New Vision...............160
Nutrition for Life........163 Body Systems Tech.........
Natural EFX.....................192
Kaire International.............200
Life Plus............................420
780ge or
The Maximum Pay Plan!

"There are over 500,000 millionaires in the U.S. and 20% of them made their fortune in the last six years in Multi-Level [Network] Marketing."
Business Connection Magazine
Creative Business Advisers (CBA) is an independent group of marketing executives and publishes only official information.

This site has been approved by the manufacturing company.
This web page contains no medical or financial claims and conforms to FTC and FDA rules.
For more information on FDA and FTC rules and regulations regarding the promotion of nutritional products and network marketing companies, please contact B&P Marketing
The products listed on these pages are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
For<>Mor is an opportunity where every person is a "heavy hitter".
60% PAYOUT ON LEVELS 1 AND 2 and up to 10 infinity bonuses makes For<>Mor the best opportunity today!
+ Per Month With Only 9 Distributors
$1,200 Per Month With Only 30 Distributors
,000 Per Month With Only 120 Distributors

Your 3rd Level to Infinity Bonuses pay:

Order 6 bottles
and have: On Ruby
Executives On Emerald
Executives On Diamond
Executives Generational
3 Personally sponsored
1st level executives
Ruby Executive 3% down
to the third level
of the next qualified
Ruby or
higher Executive
6 Personally sponsored
1st level executives
Emerald Executive 6% down
to the third level
of the next qualified
Ruby or
higher Executive 3% down
to the third level
of the next qualified
Emerald or
higher Executive
12 Personally sponsored
1st level executives
Diamond Executive 10% down
to the third level
of the next qualified
Ruby or
higher Executive 7% down
to the third level
of the next qualified
Emerald or
higher Executive 4% down
to the third level
of the next qualified
Diamond or
higher Executive 3% down
4 generations of
Diamond Executive
Extraordinary Leaders Total Company Volume Bonus Pool. Up to 2.5% of the Total Company BV goes in the Extraordinary Leaders Total Company Volume Bonus Pool.
Just take a look below to see what can but does not need to happen to your income if you want to become a serious For<>Mor executive...
This is just an example of the potential monthly income possible (after six months) if you sponsor only three people per month into For<>Mor over the period of the next 6 months and each person purchases 114 BV (bonus volume) which is equal 6 bottles of nutritional supplements per month.
The bonuses on the third level and below (infinity bonuses up to 10%) are not considered in our 6 months objective.
Using the 80/20 rule we can establish that 3 people sponsor 10 (30) each month over the next six month period and 15 people sponsor 5 each (75) over the next six month period. After 6 months you would have 18 people on your first level and 105 on your second level.

Level # of members Bonus Dollars per month
1 18 x17.10=307.80
2 105 x 51.30= 5,386.50
Total 123 members 5,694.30*

*5,694.30 per month objective x 12 months = 68,331.60 per year without calculating potential infinity bonuses reaching 10% per level starting 3rd level on down as well as the generational bonuses. "THE SKY IS THE LIMIT AND YOUR ARE ONLY LIMITED BY THE 6" BETWEEN YOUR EARS".
**This example is not any kind of promise or guarantee of income but simply represents your potential earnings.

Use this calculator (but refer to the rules of our compensation plan listed above)
to compare your present compensation plan to the compensation plan that ForMor International has.
Enter the qualifying monthly BV (US $) per distributor and the number
of distributors on each level and go to http;// then click on "Calculate Results."

Avg. Monthly BV Per Distributor:
Level # Com. %
(.xx) Number of
Distributors Monthly
Total Monthly Commission

Our COMPENSATION PLAN is called by experts to be the BEST out there. First level 15%, Second level 45%, infinity bonuses up to 10% and 3% down through 4 generations of Diamond Executives! But there is more...

How to join For<>Mor International go to.
For<>Mor's Triple Dip - Gold Mine for retailers.
For<>Mor's Triple Dip or Automatic Retail Rebate

Network Marketing / Multi-level Marketing Tutorial and FAQ

The Duplicator - Build Your Business Fast!
Being honest will make your business last.
Reviews of Network Marketing books and magazines.
Take Advantage of the Six Trends in today's world.
How to be a successful Network Marketer.
Network/Multi-Level Marketing Resource.

Creative Business Advisers will help and support you from your first days of Network Marketing with our company towards the bright future working with our successful group. We offer our marketing execs the following benefits:

. We will help you improve your web site for marketing our nutritional products online. What? You HAVE no web site? We will help you get started FREE! As you gain experience in Internet marketing, we will teach you techniques to improve the number of customers accessing your site. Obviously, we will work together on this and we always hope we can have synergistically rewarding business relationships with our downline.

We are offering to our associates:
* FREE fully interactive For<>Mor Web Site
* FREE submission to the key search engines
* FREE ad designs
* Toll FREE connection to our office
* Co-op advertisements
* Weekly conference calls - every Wednesday at 9:45 P.M. EST (call 580-431-8000, access code 9683#)
* Fax on Demand services
* Three way calls with your prospects
* Fast Start Training Guide
* We also host meetings all over the USA and internationally
* We are here to serve you

2. We will help you with three-way conference calls to your potential customers and train you how to best present yourself, the product and the business to customers. You must learn to treat your customers as you like merchants to treat YOU! We have many tips to give you on this subject.

3. We hold periodic conference calls and are in continuous contact with our leaders. You can send us email any time and it usually does not take long for one of us to get back to you. Our customer AND downline response to email messages and phone messages is SECOND TO NONE!

4. We have advice to give you on effective use of print media - magazines, newspapers etc... for marketing our company's products.

5. We use our company's products ourselves and can tell you how the products have helped Creative Business Advisers. For example, one associate has improved his allergies and asthma due to just the chewable vitamins, alone! This stuff really works! It is NOT a substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle, but it is a worthy supplement to help improve your health, in OUR opinion. You should always see your family physician to approve any vitamin program you go on. Show him (her) these vitamins. Talk to nutrition experts.


For more information or to order our products call B&P Marketing Co at:

(If you want to become a For<>Mor distributor please let us know)

NETWORK MARKETING / MULTI-LEVEL MARKETING TUTORIAL AND FAQThis Tutorial/FAQ will be expanded as time goes on into a comprehensive information source on how to succeed in Network Marketing / Multi-level Marketing. For the purposes of this document, we will refer to this form of advertising/marketing as Network Marketing. While I could write a thick book on Network Marketing, there are some key points to keep in mind if you want to succeed in this fascinating business:1. Just what is Network Marketing, exactly? Network Marketing (or Multi-level Marketing) is simply advertising a product by word-of-mouth and getting sales commissions for your referrals. Contrast this with going into a health food store, strolling up to the shelf, and picking out a .00 bottle of Vitamin E. The Network Marketing method of sales would have you sending - (I don't even know what Vitamin E sells for - I am making these prices up, for example) to a mail order company that handles all inventory, mailing the product to your customers, tracking commissions and all the normal tasks that a retail store owner performs. It really is not THAT much different. One key difference between normal sales and Network Marketing is that if you think about it, there is only a TINY bit of space for vitamins (or cereal, or water filters, or diapers etc...) to be displayed and stored, in your typical retail store. Even HUGE stores, like Price Club, can only carry so much merchandise. And another thing - many retail stores require a "shelving fee" to sell a particular product. Since there is limited space in stores, food and nutrition producers will frequently pay these fees. This is just a fact of life - it might not always help the consumer, but that is the harsh reality. But, Network Marketing puts a big dent in this disadvantage to the consumer! The beauty of Network Marketing is that almost an infinite no. of products can be supported by this method, since you are purchasing the product by mail order. Actually, mail order sales is quite similar to Network Marketing, except for the advertising. In Network Marketing, advertising is done by word of mouth and by the efforts and money spent by each individual person involved. In mail order, the owner of the mail order company would usually be the one to pay advertising costs. In a sense, Network Marketing is SOCIALISTIC RETAIL SALES.2. You must like using the product yourself if you have any hope of convincing others to purchase it.3. You will not usually get rich quickly - how many businesses you know made their fortune in only a few months? We recommend that people give a one year committment if they are serious on mastering Network Marketing. It takes time to learn the necessary skills, just like any other field.4. When designing WWW Home Pages, keep your images and photographs to a reasonable level and don't go overboard with this stuff, since not everyone has a T3 direct Internet link and I myself, get VERY frustrated surfing the Web with a 28.8 modem that chokes on huge graphics. Yeah, I should go out and buy an ISDN line, but I sometimes just simply use lynx (which is a text browser commonly available in Unix accounts for WWW browsing). The idea is for you to get across INFORMATION, not just a bunch of fluff.5. Have your WWW page give INFORMATION about subjects that you either have knowledge in or interest in learning about. Link to cool pages and try writing some material yourself. Consider yourself competing against other forms of media (i.e. newspapers, TV, Radio, magazines, OTHER web sites). Ask yourself - what are THEY doing to attract customers? A Web page full of nothing but advertisements is going to turn off your potential customers, since they will think you are nothing but a "snake oil" scammer!
6. Seek out niche newspapers in your particular product universe. For example, if you are selling guitar strings via Network Marketing, why not try to get into contact with musicians? Advertise in local and national music magazines (i.e. Guitar Player) and radio stations that play music emphasizing the guitar.
7. Give free samples of your products to many people. Put your money where your mouth is and prove or disprove the product's quality by giving your potential customer a chance to voice an opinion on the product. This is more important than all the tapes and glossy brochures, compensation schedules, matrix charts, and all the hype in the world that usually goes with your typical Network Marketing Organization.
8. Relay what activities have been successful in marketing your product, to the people in your Downline, so they don't have to reinvent the wheel.
9. We find very constructive to set aside a half hour, once a week or so, to juggle down some creative ideas on improving our business. After you juggle the ideas, get yourself a Coffee (or a Soy Shake) and come back to your notepad and take only the ideas that make the most sense to you and try to work on them to perfection. If they work for you, saturate your activities with those ideas, repeating the good patterns of activity.
10. It is good to have meetings, but our group is extremely successful in Network Marketing without conducting that many meetings. By meeting, we mean a periodical gathering of people participating in how to improve the business and sign people up - typically held in a Hotel meeting room. It is good to do it, but this is clearly a matter of style. Our group is not doing too many meetings and in our opinion, the combination of meetings and conducting business via telephone, fax, mail, and Internet is what we truly recommend.
11. Don't listen to your friends and coworkers from your day-time job, since they will think you are CRAZY for participating in a "Pyramid Scheme". You should look for new prospects from various types of advertisements and obviously, some of warm market is important to attract as well, but don't rely on it too much. Just to let you know, the best people in direct marketing or Network Marketing / MLM are making more than ,000 per month. This is not a claim - this is a PLAIN FACT. Good luck and be determined and don't work with people who need you as much as people who DESERVE YOU! Surround yourself with constructive positive thinking associates. It works for us - we choose who we work with and have a good time by doing so.
12. Some great marketing advice is available from the following link:
The Cybrlink Group Inc.
Thanks to Clark T. Golden of who sent us this url.
13. I urge you to check out the July 1996 Vol. 2, No. 2 issue of "The Net" magazine. They have a fantastic article called "How to Succeed in Cyberbusiness", by Laurie Berger. This is the BEST article I have ever read on this subject and is a must read for anyone trying to market products on the WWW. If anyone knows of other articles in other magazines that they have found helpful, please email me and I will cite them in this faq. The books I have recently found at the book store have been awful on WWW marketing - if you have read any HELPFUL books, please let me know and I will be happy to list them here. Anyway, you can access "The Net" at their home page

TAKE ADVANTAGE OFTHE SIX TRENDS 1) Aging of America "Baby Boomers" and millions of others want to live longer, look better, feel better, have energy and lose weight. Plus, they all want or need to earn extra money.2) Self Care and Prevention People are starting to take personal responsibility for their health. People are beginning to realize it is not just about living but living well. We provide "hot" high demand consumable products that people WANT!3) Business Ownership People know that the primary way to financial success is to own their own business. The Home Based Business market is booming! Every eleven seconds someone in America starts their own business. The best time to start a simple home based business is while you still have a full time JOB.4) Financial Independence and Time Freedom People want and need more MONEY. People want and need more FREE TIME to enjoy life. People want to control their own destiny and enjoy their family. A six-figure income is possible and will set most people FREE!
5) Network Marketing You currently give referrals to people everyday and never get paid one penny for the referral. You refer people to the movie, bank, doctor, dentist, lawyer, grocery store, shopping mall and many other products. This is called networking. When you attach a pay plan to networking, you get network marketing. You get paid for simply referring people to the company. Network marketing is a method of distribution that allows you to turn a one time sale into an ongoing Residual Income for life.
6) Internet or World Wide Web The internet has become the perfect medium to make money and start a new career. Every day thousands of new people are hopping on the internet for the first time. This opens up exciting avenues for you to create wealth.
There are many advantages to working from your own home.
Be Your Own Boss
Residual Income
Unlimited growth
Work part-time
Work full time
More time For the family
Extra incOme
No rush houR traffic
Relaxed hoMe environment
Flexible hOurs
Dress comfoRtably
Reduced childcare
Tax advantages
Able to walk to your office
There are many things that people use to make money at home. Many of them are a waste of time. They never pan out the way a person imagines. You always find yourself working harder and harder with fewer results. There are good work at home methods and bad work at home methods.
Here are a few of the popular opportunities people use to work at home that do not create leverage income..
Stuffing Envelopes:
Home Day Care:
Telemarketing and Sales:
Real Estate Sales and Investing:
Arts and Crafts:
Accounting and Book Keeping:
The New Network Marketing -- Simple and User-friendly.
Network marketing has evolved since its beginning over 50 years ago.
It is now a respected, highly regulated, advanced-technology industry. (Distribution, computers, and communications.)
No Inventory; No Shipping; No Paperwork; No Collections; No Employees.
We are a true leader in the reshaping of this
Educational Marketing
Trust Marketing
Network Marketing
Don't Sell -- Tell!
Education is the Key!
Are you searching for an exciting method and a unique system to help you create wealth at home? Then find out more about our "TEAM" approach. Click Here!
Ten advantages to using the Internet to build your business:
1) Hot prospects will come to you,
2) Capture qualified leads that are not freebie-seekers,
3) Establish a business presence,
4) Develop mailing lists,
5) Build relationships while educating your contacts,
6) Build Locally, Nationwide and World wide.
7) Market research: find out what attracts prospects without having to pay for advertisement testing. This is a huge benefit you don't want to underestimate!,
8) Your site is "open" 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week,
9) Retail product,
10) Millions of people have access to your business opportunity
My System Includes Helping You:
Get Started Fast In The Right Direction!
Create and Build An Increasing Income Business Right From Your Home!
Provide You The Tools And Training To Achieve Your Exciting Financial Future!