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Research indicates that noni juice strengthens the immune system,regulates cell function makes cellular regeneration of damaged cells. Dr. Richard Dicks, a clinician from New Jersey says" we are beginning to realize that we must get back to the basics with our bodies. In other words we are given a choice of we either burn nutrients or you burn your body. Noni saves our bodies by giving us the nutrients we need.
Noni Juice has over 100 applications.Noni Juice is invaluable as a healing Herb because of the following functions
Lowers high blood pressure. I can attest to that, I just had my appendix out at age 58.the day I was admitted to the Hospital my Blood presure reading was 130/80. My wife brought The Noni juice into the hospital for me. The day I left the Hospital my BLOOD PRESSURE was 117 over 70
Works with Melatonin and Serotonin to help regulate sleep,temperature, depression and mood cycles.
Increases body energy.
Acts as antinflammatory and anti-Histamine agent
Alleviates pain.
Has antibacterial properties that can protect against digestive and heart damage.
Inhibits precancer function and growth of cancer tumors.
The Noni Juice For<>Mor sells is 100% Tahitian Noni Juice
For Mor information visit


NUTRITIONAL THERAPY FOR THE BRAIN AND INTELLECT is defined as the ability to learn and reason
THE BRAIN is the portion of the central nervous system that is responsible for the interpretation of sensory impulses, the coordination and control of impulses, the coordination and control of bodily activities and the excercise of emotion and thought.. The brain is responsible for our highest function,thinking! Brain cells transfer chemical instruction to each other as often as one thousand times per second.
NEURO 911 is a supplement created by For<>Mor International to support the brains nutritional needs. Brain cells are very capable of manufacturing the quantity of chemicals needed, if they have access to the nutrients needed to produce those chemicals. Within minutes of the NEURO 911 capusule dissolving, highly specific neutients enter the blood stream and cross the blood barrier, providing approximately eight hours of nourishment to replenish, balance and support the brain and mental activities. Neuro 911 supplies two key amino acids the brain needs to make the "feel good" neurotransmitters from. A lack of these transmitters may result in low self-image, mood swings, loss of interest, alchol craving, eating disorders, sleep problems, anxiety, nervousness, worry, aggression and anger.
Physical signs of a low or imbalanced levels of neurotransmitters are
Stress realted illinesses,
Premature aging
Fatigue, sleep disorders
Eating disorders,
Craving for Alcohol,
Mysterious aches and pains
Headaches, including Migraines.
Memory Losss
Difficulty Concentrating
Altered Sex Drive
Many people have not even thought to support nutrition for their mental faculties
For Mor information visit


Erectile dysfunction affects as many as thirty million men in the United States alone.
The earliest use of velevt antler was found on a scroll in china in 168 BC. The scroll suggests several medical treatments for 52 different diseases.
The protein compostion of velvet antler includes 25 different essential amino compounds including all the essential. Each capsule contains nutrients that our bodies require on a daily basis, including: protein, amino acids, essential amino acids, nitrogen, coolagen, lipids, fatty acids, essential fatty acids, managanese, iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, sulphur, sodium and selenium.

According to the HEALTH SCIENCES INSTITUTE Growth Hormone has an important role in immunity. For at least part of the day ,it's critical to to maintain a protein building (anabolic) environment: If you can build protein, you can strengthen your immune system; if you are protein to maintain blood sugar or other crucial physiological functions,immunity gradually degrades. So the daily production of growth hormone is enormously important, especially as we age.
Unfortunately, growth hormone production falls off very quickly as we leave our teen years. By the time reach 30 even the growth-hormone release in response to vigorous exercise is greatly reduced.
Much of the action of growth hormone is carried out through secondary hormones called somatomedins. The hormones are manufactured in the liver in response to growth hormone, and the two main somatomedins promote bone growth, collagen synthesis, and the stimulation of tissue growth.
In an older person with very low growth-hormone production, a natural supplement of these hormones has been shown to produce the same anabolic effects found in a much younger individual
Besides Growth Hormones Antler Velvet has Prostaglandins, which help control physiological functions, including reduction of inflammation-important for Arthritis sufferers and Athletes.
Velvatins, which include a nucleoside demonstrated to have value in cancer therapy and AIDS treatment.They are important for cellular function.
Pantocrine, shown in a 1974 Russian study to increase athleic performance.
N-acetyl-glucosamine sulfate, for wound healing.
Chondroitin sulfate, along with glucosamine, is an effective agent against arthritis (Chondroitin sulfate in particular has been claimed to reverse atherosclerosis and dramatically improve circulation.
Chinese scientists experimenting with how velvet antler supports life at the cellular level suspect velvet antler is able to prevent genetic damage and extend cellular longevity, typically mammal cell lines duplicate themselves about 60 times before they die off. Chinese scientists have found that the nutrients in velevt Antler will promote cell replication up to 180 times. This suggests why Velvet Antler creates the sensation of rejeuvenation when taken by both men and women.


Increase blood production in the treatment of anemia
modulate the immune system
Treat infertility in women
Treat impotence in men
Improve blood circulation in patients with heart disease
improve muscle tone and glandular functions
increase lung efficiency
Increase muscular strength and nerve function
PERFORMANCE EV improves your libido and might offer a real alternative to Viagara like Chemicals

According to the Health Sciences Institute Red Deer Antler Velvet will impair glucose uptake in cells by suppressing the action of insulin receptors.
Antler Velvet causes fatty acids to be released from fatty tissues
It will help maintain a protein-building (anabolic) environment
Promotes the manufacture of somatomedins (secondary growth hormones) in the liver.
Encourages cells to consume fat rather than sugar or other carbohydrates
Helps strengthen the immune system.
Stimulates bone growth, collagen synthesis,and tissue growth.
Future uses are likely to include the treatment of of a wide range of degenerative diseases, especially arthritis. It continues to show great promise as a natural source of growth-hormone precursors, useful for achieving both athletic and weight reduction goals.
Antler Velvet is not sexist, it is equally beneficial for both sexes
For Mor info click onto the link below


Superfood-Antioxidant Formula For Superior Protection

Longevity and quality-of-life are the result of free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are the only known way to fight free radicals in the body. looking and feeling older are quite literally the results of compound free radical activity. For mor information please visit the link below
Performance EV





Nutritional Food For The Brain